House of heart and Soul has come about from a need to put some creative and financial control back into the hands of the actual creatives. 

Giving those with the talent a chance to benefit from the business side and also contribute to the creative development aspect of events management. Coming from a performance background herself, Founder Deborah Hamilton has faced many challenges during her time in
the world of arts, performing in various capacities from Theatre to Glastonbury and working with some of the most talented people in the business from the likes of Alt J & The Heavy, to shows like The Magic of
Motown and Lost in Music in theatre. She began her journey into the business side of performing arts back in 2019 with her amazing act Sister Supreme!

Who although getting off to a rough start due to the
pandemic have had some very successful sold-out shows and very happy customers due to the artists
embodying the company values of bringing Heart and Soul into every performance and making sure all involved have an unforgettable and amazing time.




Our mission at HH&SE is to look after our artists and pay them what they deserve based on their fantastic talents as opposed to the minimum we can get them for. 

We want to better develop shows and events that
touch the hearts of people on every occasion and give them memories they will carry with them for years.

By providing high-caliber professional performances coupled with fun and exciting extras you wouldn’t normally receive with your average event, whilst giving all those in attendance an unforgettable, great time
as well as a great deal for their money, we endeavor to build and create lifelong connections, friends and guests.

Making it worthwhile for all, brings happy days to all!

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